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Platform CB’23

Platform CB’23 has made national, industry-wide agreements on circular construction. With a unique approach and extensive involvement from the entire sector, 7 guidelines and 2 application tools have been developed in five years. Download the guidelines and get started!

We believe it is important that the guidelines developed are applied across the entire construction sector. Join our LinkedIn channel and share your experiences by tagging @platform-cb-23. This way, the Platform CB’23 community can also learn from them.


Lexicon Circular Construction

Working effectively on circular construction calls for an unambiguous terminology. This lexicon consists of a list of terms and definitions to ensure a common language in the transition to a circular construction sector.

Measuring circularity in the construction sector

This guide is intended as a step towards a core method for measuring circularity in the construction sector. Such a method measures the degree of circularity, e.g. of a construction product, a building or a public work.

Passports for the construction sector

In the construction sector, passports are considered to be important means to achieving a more circular construction sector, as they promote reuse at the material, product, element and building levels. This guide is intended as a step towards the standardization of passports for the construction sector.

Future re-use

Insight into obstacles and practical tools for future re-use and a better embedding of these in building regulations.

Circular design

Practical tools to help you decide which circular design strategy best suits your civil engineering or B&U project.

Circular tendering

Platform CB’23 also created a guideline about Circular tendering. Because of the specific Dutch situation, this quideline has not been translated.

About Platform CB’23

The Netherlands is on the brink of transitioning to a circular economy. This transition also applies to the construction sector. To anchor circular thinking and actions in daily construction practice a package of unambiguous agreements are required.

Platform CB’23 (Circular Construction 2023) was committed to drafting agreements for the entire Dutch construction sector: both residential and non-residential construction and civil engineering. To do so, they used a unique approach. From 2018 – 2023 teams consisting of professionals from different parts of the Dutch construction sector, the so-called action teams, have laid a solid basis for circular agreements on important circular topics. They essentially are working agreements, laid down in guides, rather than formal standards.


Platform CB’23 saw the need for unambiguous agreements on seven interconnected main topics, as shown in the image below.

Lexicon Circular Construction

Working effectively on circular construction calls for an unambiguous terminology. This lexicon consists of a list of terms and definitions to ensure a common language in the transition to a circular construction sector.


  • Download Lexicon Circular Construction

Dit Lexicon is zorgvuldig opgesteld. Desondanks kunnen fouten en onvolledigheden niet worden uitgesloten. Het Lexicon mag worden gedeeld (graag zelfs!) en de inhoud mag – met bronvermelding – worden gebruikt.

Measuring circularity

This guide is intended as a step towards a core method for measuring circularity in the construction sector. Such a method measures the degree of circularity, e.g. of a construction product, a building or a public work.


Passports for the construction sector

In the construction sector, passports are considered to be important means to achieving a more circular construction sector, as they promote reuse at the material, product, element and building levels. This guide is intended as a step towards the standardization of passports for the construction sector.


Future re-use

Insight into obstacles and practical tools for future re-use and a better embedding of these in building regulations.

circular design

Practical tools to help you decide which circular design strategy best suits your civil engineering or B&U project.

Circulair aanbesteden

Leidende principes voor circulair inkopen op organisatie- en projectniveau voor de GWW en B&U.

  • Download leidraad Circulair aanbesteden
  • Toelichting

Meer weten?

Met de leidende principes helpen we opdrachtgevers om vanuit hun eigen organisatie en werkprocessen circulaire keuzes te maken. Het verschil met de andere leidraden is dat inkopen niet om technische afspraken draait, maar om manieren van werken. Omdat dat organisatiebeleid is, kun je daar geen landelijke afspraken over maken. Neem contact op met Sybren Bosch, voorzitter van het actieteam dat deze leidraad heeft opgesteld, via